CAR offers a suite of services from information-based to community- & family-based...all of which are free to families, professionals and community members.

The following services are offered to families, professionals and community members at no cost.
Click here to see the List of the 81 cities and towns in the CAR Service region
Monday Morning Message
A weekly email update, containing upcoming events, legislative issues and action alerts, pertinent articles, and tips. You can sign up here!
A quarterly podcast with varying topics pertaining to autism in our community.
Information Packets
Research on over 25 specific topics relating to ASD. We are continually adding to our list of topics, and updating our information. Coming soon- available in E-format…
Referral Lists
Find professionals in your area. See available Lists.
Books, video tapes, and DVD's available for lending. Browse the list of available items here.
Take this opportunity to make an individual appointment with one of the professionals on staff at C.A.R. You will be able to discuss and receive advice about a specific need or circumstance relating to a child or an adult with ASD. See our clinic topics and locations.
a wide variety of courses that range from introductory level courses on ASD to intermediate level.
Autism Waiver Services
Coordinated Services for children in the Autism Waiver Program.
Assistive Technology Program
Certified Assistive Technology Professionals providing a variety of services for families and professionals.
Additional Services
Family Field Trips
Day trips to places such as The Providence Children's Museum, Wellspring Farms, Edaville Railroad, Mystic Aquarium, Twilight Tour Zoo programs, WavePool, Ice Skating, etc.
Annual Hayride
Held in October at Oakdale Farms in Rehoboth.
Grandparents Brunch
a special brunch for grandparents only held in the Spring and Fall.
Family Movie Days
Held throughout the year, at various movie theaters throughout the SouthEast Region of MA. Reserved for families with children with autism only, the theater gives us control over the volume of the movie, and the lighting, providing a more sensory appropriate movie. Visuals are provided, and while we encourage use of the snack bar to support the theatre, special diet snacks are allowed.
Sensory and Social Programs
For all age ranges. Held throughout the year, and throughout the region. Past Programs have included Dance, Martial Arts, Yoga, Music & Movement programs, Mommy & Me Groups, Young Athlete's program, etc. Check out the events page to see what's available in your area.
SERVICES (by age)

For adults (ages 18+) with ASD we offer the following:
- Monthly social events for adults with ASD, where friendships can be made
- Some of our past events-Abilities Rec, Battleship Cove, Escape the Mystery Room, Edaville Railroad.
- Transition to Adult Services via transition planning clinics and information packets
- College Navigation
- Application Assistance
- Time Management
- Campus Navigation
- Social/Recreational
- Study Prep
- Dorm Life
- Support via individualized consultation
- Assistance with the ISP
- Job Interview prep
- Transportation options
- Course offerings specifically designed for parents and professionals living and working with adults with ASD
- Intro to ASD
- Sensory and Behavior
- Information Packets
- Referral Lists
- Peers Program
- Books and DVD’s
- Specifically geared towards adults on the spectrum in our lending library

For children (ages 0-22) with ASD we offer the following:
- Monthly social events for adults with ASD, where friendships can be made
- Some of our past events-Abilities Rec, Battleship Cove, Escape the Mystery Room, Edaville Railroad.
- Transition to Adult Services via transition planning clinics and information packets
- Support via individualized consultation
- Course offerings specifically designed for parents and professionals living and working with adults with ASD
- Intro to ASD
- Sensory and Behavior
- Information Packets
- Referral Lists
- Books and DVD’s
- Specifically geared towards adults on the spectrum in our lending library