100% of your donation WILL support vital services and supports for autistic individuals and their families living in Southeastern MA, the Cape & Islands
*When making online donations, please note if there is a specific cause for your donation (ie: a memorial donation, event sponsorship, fundraiser etc.). This helps us track incoming donations and gives us the opportunity to properly thank you for your generous support*

Mail donations to: Community Autism Resources | Att: Crystal Medeiros | 40-A Dean Street | Taunton, MA 02780
There are many ways you can support Community Autism Resources throughout the year!

- Donate directly to CAR, (tax deductible), via cash, check, PayPal, or VENMO @CommunityAutismResources
- Host a fundraiser for CAR! Trivia night, bingo - Whatever you imagine!
- Choose CAR when you buy a reusable bag at Hannaford's, Shaw's and Stop & Shop - Check the tag for instructions!
- Sponsor one of our family or sensory events.
- Attend, volunteer, and fundraise for our annual Family Fun Day in April.
- Talk to business owners you know about sponsoring our events.
- Start a VENMO challenge with your friends and family! @CommunityAutismResources
- Tell your friends and family about CAR and our resources, supports, and services
- First responder? Let us help you design your awareness patches to ensure all members of the autistic community are included.
- First Responder Groups across the country have been designing awareness patches to help raise money for local non-profits. We have been fortunate over the past few years to have 4 of our local Police Departments choose Community Autism Resources as their non-profit of choice to benefit from their autism awareness patch fundraisers. If you are a First Responder or know a First Responder looking for a worthy cause to support this year with their awareness patches, please consider Community Autism Resources.
- Family Events
- Sensory Events
- Social Events
- Movie Days
- Parent Retreat
- Teen Groups
- Adult Events
- Hearts and Hands Walk for Autism and Family Fun Day
- Grandparents Luncheon
Thank You to our Donors!
“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
We thank those who have generously supported us.
Elaine Baker (recurring donation)
Mario & Diana Polselli (recurring donation)
Michaela Burns (recurring donation)
Paul Abrantes
Those who donated anonymously to the Pay Pal Giving Fund
Those who donated anonymously to the Network for Good/ FaceBook
The Pledgeling Foundation
Maria & Luis Vieira
St. Dominic's Women's Guild
Maureen Pratt
Roger & Paulette Pineault ... donation in loving memory of their son Chris Pineault
Sue & James Welch, Lisa Hanson & Janice Garda – donations from our Spring Grandparents Lunch
St. Dominic’s Church Holy Spirit Society
An Employee for the Hanover Insurance Group
A donor from FrontStream SPV LLC
Our thanks to those remembering Kathy Raposa through their generous donations to CAR: Ronald & Joann Raposa & everyone at Positive Synergy as well as all those who contributed their fundraiser
4 grocery stores raised funds through their Community Bag Program! We appreciate being named the recipient of their donations and thank the customers who participated by purchasing bags!
Stop & Shop, Somerset, Hannaford’s in Taunton and Stop & Shop in Seekonk
Thank you to everyone who uses Amazon Smile to make their purchases! We appreciate that you choose us to receive funds through this program!
We’re very grateful to Town Fair Tire for their generous donation through the Town Fair Tire Foundation’s 2021 Giving Program. We’re honored that you selected us as recipients!
A special thank you to CubeSmart Self Storage for their wonderful donation & ice cream party in celebration of their 1-year Anniversary in Swansea!
Our thanks to those contributors to the United Way of Greater Fall River for designating CAR for their contributions!
Thanks to the teachers at Elizabeth S. Brown School in Swansea, MA. They held a “dress down” day & were kind enough to donate the proceeds to CAR!
Thank you to Bay Coast Bank for funding our Sensory Friendly Movie!
We appreciate all those who make their Amazon purchases through Amazon Smile and have designated CAR to receive the donations.
A huge thank you to Kailee Alger & her family for the donation from her Lemonade Stand!
The Alderbrook Farm Family for their donation in honor of Kyle Baptist & his family from the sale of a holiday wreath decorated in the colors of Autism Awareness!
RubberSuit Studios:
Our thanks to Matt Dansereau at RubberSuit Studios for the fundraiser he held to raise money for autism awareness & acceptance!
Holy Family - Holy Name School & Hoyle Coastal Advertising – Thank you for having a special fundraiser for us & to Patty Garcia for organizing it!
Richard McGaughey
Daphne Emord
Cheryl Anne Hager
Douglas & Donald Moran
Robert & Louise Crespi
Theodore S. Colocousis
Stephen & Terese Croghan
Harold & Linda Packard
John & Denise Boutin
Randolph Lodge of Elks #2130
Joan M. Orten
Stephen & Brenda Boudreau
Leonard Rebello
Thomas & Helen Davis
R. Trapp
Patricia McGovern
Susan Burrows
George & Joanne Jenkinson
Donald & Carole Hyland
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hyland
James & Kathy Miller
Sherill Vanasse & David Paquette
The Gifford Family
Fred & Sally Larson
Thomas Rose
Joseph Martins
Stephen Martin
Russell & Susan Oliveira
Charles & Arlene Moynihan
Lori C. Reilly
Friends of Joseph Martins
Laurie Paquette
Anna Rousseau
Amica Companies Foundation
Bruce L. Holmquist
Jennifer Edgerly
Sheri Pascarella
Jan Amorello & family
Spring Street School – W. Bridgewater
The Reed Family: Tina, Tom, Amanda Tom & Katie Reed
Stephen Quinn
Karen McKenna
Harry & Maureen Raleigh
JOY (Just Older Youth Inc) 2 donations
The Correira Family: Jodi, David, Danielle & Jonathan
Brian & Jennifer Vajgrt
Edgar L. Packard
The Juliano Family

Volunteer today!
We welcome volunteers to assist us in the office. As a volunteer you will offer an important service to our agency.
Some of the tasks we need assistance with are:
packet assembly
newsletter labeling
brochure assembly
specialized project
special programs